Sunday, November 9, 2008

HOME (and standing on my soapbox)

pictures from our vacay will soon be posted...i know all my fans out there are just dying to have a visual of our trippity trip. but i have some other pressing business to take care of...(becky, here are my thoughts)

I have been reading (blog it what you want) other peoples comments about the newly elected president, and it's amazing at all the negativity there is about Obama. I do have a confession to make...I am a registered democrat and I voted for the "anti-Christ" as I saw one blog describing him. I like what he has to say and I read all the pros and cons and am happy that he is our president...that said please don't stop being my friend just because I am an Obama supporter...there is a lot more to me than who I voted for...

Oh yeah, one more thing...being in CA during the election, it was interesting to see the reaction of Prop 8. This is what I have to say about that: I don't care if gay/lesbians want to be united, that's their choice and I am not the one to pass judgement on THEIR decisions. If they want to be "married" call it something else, not marriage. But I do think it's ridiculous that the blame is on the mormon church... my!!


lilsusha said...

I voted for Hope too. I mean Obama...

Riva said...

We are not Obama supporters but my hubby, Seth, said it best... "Obama is our new president and like any leader, we need to support him when we can and opppose him when we must". Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)

Foxs said...

Well said!!

Johnsonsblog said...

I really couldn't vote for either one. Sorry but I didn't feel good about our choices. I just hope Obama will change the way this country is going. And the prop 8 thing is a little ridiculous. They have even vandalized some of our church's, what kind of people do that to a church ugggggggghhhhhh!!!!!

Hibbard Family said...

I think that he is the anti-christ, that these are the very last days, that we all need to stock up on our food storage and my opinion of you has gone down since knowing that you voted for "AC"

Foxs said...

Wow Jenna, that was harsh!