Friday, October 24, 2008

i'm baby wise! how 'bout you?

i don't concider myself brainwashed as much as well-trained...

but i still revert back to the methods of this book when it comes to planning my day out with my children. Even though they are well out of the baby stage, i still think about keeping them on a ridgid schedule. Maybe it's because when i was a new mom my paranoia got the best of me. anywhoo, i'm still holding out for the user manuals for your children. i am happy to say that i can finally more babies!
i absolutely love this book and would recommend it to anyone and everyone. i found this review about the book and thought it was utter nonsense!


"a sickening, disgusting book that is helping destroy this country. Satan works extra hard in hospitals and anywhere a newborn is, since they are the foundation of God's people. The latest media alert by the American Academy of Pediatrics says it all: A strong correlation with this book has been documented in babies who have failure to thrive."

REALLY!! one of his LARGEST accomplishments?! This book is nothing if not plain common sense. if you are a baby wise mom, what did you think of the book?


Johnsonsblog said...

Sorry never heard of the book I will have to check it out though!

David and Emily Wilcock said...

Wow! I am a babywise mom and it helped me keep my sanity! I do believe it is not for everyone though. But satanic? I don't think so. It was common sense to me!

lilsusha said... it. Um, do you want your book back?